
Love has taught me to
Hope but not believe
Give and not receive.
Try but always fail
Treasure and never bail
On those brought into my life.
I don't understand,
Stopped trying to explain.
Wondering if you're real.
I see you in action;
From my heart to others.

I wonder if it's possible to love
Yet never be loved in return?


the truth

So as an adult female, finding out that not all firemen are blazing hot is reminiscent of when I was a wee child and I found out there really wasn't a Santa Claus. Terrible disappointment, deep in my soul.
And for you men, when women have sleep overs, it's not all pillow fights in our undies.

Just so we're all on the same playing field of disillusionment...you're welcome for the blowing the lid off that...



Meet & Greet = Crash & Burn

I think the two have never been more closely related than when you're single. Why is it that 'singleness' is looked at as a bad thing? Why am I looked down on by others when they find out I'm single? I think it's interesting to note since I have yet to find an answer.
When I meet that person, I have a feeling, a very strong feeling, that it will be more organic than a fix-up. It has to be, right? Or is that just the romantic in me? I don't know. I need to have something more in common with them than the fact that we are both single and we both know this one person who thinks we'd be perfect together. I have this idea that fate plays a role in who I end up with. And I'd like to think that 'fate' isn't a person. I'd like to think that at the right time, with the right person, when I am who I am supposed to be, it will happen and I tend to shy away from the idea that it can be orchestrated by humans with their stupid agendas. Besides the fact that I'm horrible on blind dates and can't stand the social pressure associated with dating, I generally despise being set up with someone- romantically or otherwise.
Since love is too much, too divine to be designed by humans, I refuse to believe that it can be set up, even by the most well-meaning person on earth. Plus, the most beautiful things in me and about me are the very things that are inherent to whom I was created to be, they are my essence and simply cannot be contrived. So how could love be any different?