
i hate how the creative engine can so quickly turn into your worst enemy when things don't go as hoped for...
the thoughts haunt, plague and yes, even perpetuate the sheer terror of your worst nightmares when all it would take is a voice, one simple voice that would silence the taunting...
is that too hard to ask?


so wrong

have you ever typed something and after it was finished, it just looked and sounded stupid, so you watch the blinking line travel to the left as you hold down the backspace button...wondering the whole time what went wrong because you swear it sounded so much better in your head...yeah, that's what happened here and this is all you get....


bah bah bah

I normally kid around with people and tell them that I'm the 'black sheep' of the family. I'm the one who rebels in thought, behavior, personality, language, tastes, and what I consider socially acceptable and beautiful. I push the limits, what can I say? While these things remain to be true, which I tend to attribute to my bohemian outlook on life, I've come to the conclusion that we are all 'black sheep' in life.
I'll say it again: we are all black sheep. Wanting so much to be without blemishes and all too often over-looking our blemishes, discounting them, and hiding them, we pretend to be something we aren't all in hopes of pleasing others, so we seem 'normal' and unstained. It's horribly ironic- each one of us is blemished and everyone knows what it's like to pretend we aren't blemished. Each one of us can remember a time when we felt like all we were doing was hiding who we were from those around us. What a fearful way to live, always suspicious and wondering if today was the day that the others will find out how truly different I am and how horrible those differences are.
So I find comfort now, knowing that even as I (albeit rarely) find myself trying to blend in and fly below the radar, that we as humans are nothing more and nothing less than the proverbial black sheep, the odd ones out.

We are all blemished, we are all trying to blend in, we are all standing out, on our own, hoping that someone will appreciate us for our blackness, our differences, if for nothing more. This hulking monstrosity of a burden is suddenly lightened by the realization that I'm not alone and in life we are all blemished and bleating, praying we don't stand out.


intrigue, maybe

5 things about me I want you to know:

  1. If I’m up at 330am, I love watching reruns of ‘Mad About You’. They make me want to marry my best friend even more than I already want to.
  2. I can handle, and in fact love watching surgeries and births, but touching raw meat makes me want to vomit.
  3. Completing the Ironman is one of my life goals.
  4. I want to build my own house.
  5. I’m writing a book.

This list was originally 10 things long, but I wanted to keep an air of mystery about myself, so I cut it down to 5…yeah, that’s right. That just happened.



Humor is one of those awesome things that I'm convinced people need more of in their life. Without humor, life is rendered useless. I'm blessed to have many people in my life who make me laugh, truly laugh...you know, make your face hurt from smiling so much, sides ache, gasping for breath kind of laughter.
The funny thing is, especially for someone such as myself who thoroughly enjoys being understood, if you explain a joke it's ruined. I think it's the best way to be unfunny...just break it down for your audience and all of a sudden, it's no longer funny. I mean it may be ironic, but no longer LOL funny. Love it.
Moral is: laugh. Just laugh. You'll feel better, your friend who told the story/joke will feel fulfilled and your overall health will improve the more often you laugh. Plus, much like learning a language, your aptitude for understanding jokes and the humor in life will increase the more you practice laughing.
So start today and by the end of the week, you'll be laughing your ass off.


My Beauty is...Me

It's the tears in my eyes
With a smile on my lips,
The sound of my voice
The feel of my kiss.

It's the curl of my hair
The fire in my eyes
The laugh in my voice
The want to be wise.

It's the grace in my hands
The drive in my step
The touch of my skin
The lack of regret.

It's the strength of my will
The words on my lips
The joy in my smile
The sway in my hips.

It's in my scars,
Is seen through my tears
It's in my successes
And even my fears.

It's the beat of my heart
The strength of my back
The shape of my chest
And all that I lack.

It's the peace in my soul
The power of conviction
My hope and my dreams
My love is in action.

My beauty is hidden in plain sight for all to see. I
f for nothing more than my ability to appreciate beauty that is found in the day-to-day things...the shape of a bowl, the shadow through a window, a child laughing, a couple embracing, the joy of friends, the heartache of loss, the shape of a tree, the power in the wind...it is in me and in these things that beauty is common but uncommonly recognized.
My beauty has always been more hidden than I would ever have wanted. It takes a trained eye and patience to find...but it takes the diligence of a good heart to hold onto it when it's found. It's fleeting and shy, unknown and hidden in the common.

I am a daisy in the field of wildflowers, beautiful for its simplicity and rawness...
content to just be.



Ever say a word so many times it doesn't even sound like the word you meant to say? It just turns to mush in your mouth and although you know you mean to say it, you begin to doubt even yourself. Well, anyhow, I was having a conversation the other night over coffee with this guy, we'll call him the singing plantain...about meaning and he believes that life experiences only have meaning if we give it meaning. I begged to differ and the conversation that ensued after finding out we disagreed involved the over-use of the word 'meaning'...and well, it was pretty soon that the word lost it's meaning and didn't even sound real anymore.
I guess it was a new twist on the old adage- "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around, does it make any noise?" We both agreed that yes, it would. He then pointed out that it would mean different things to different people- the capitalist would see it as a gain, the environmentalist would grieve it, the naturalist would see it as a natural occurrence and on and on...my question is then, does it matter? The fact that an event happens should show that it's significant, right?
My personal opinion is that meaning isn't measured by the reaction or emotion it evokes from us, I think the meaning can be seen simply because we acknowledge the event. The recognition of something already bestows significance; the emotion it evokes, if any, is the icing.



Sorry for the blog blitz...these thoughts have been in my head for too long already and I just knew that if I didn't get them out and down on the keys, I'd get backed up again...I hate that mentally constipated feeling that comes when you don't empty the thoughts that run loops in your brain...trivial or monumental- it's just the same.
It's clearing my brain, getting rid of the endless and at times compulsive thoughts and questions that bounce around in my head...I'm looking forward to the day when my brain is completely empty. :]

about me...

I've decided to test my emotional intelligence...trying to figure out what it is that people see me as...this is what I've come up with so far...
I am: stubbornly yielding, emotionally even-keeled and passionate, generous to a fault, a false extrovert, a grammarian, confidently insecure, courageous, adventurous, a risk-taker, witty but often the only one laughing, selfish but empathetic and compassionate, a wide-awake dreamer, an old soul with a youthful heart, a hopeful romantic tinged with cynicism, misunderstood, easily overlooked and hard to remember but unforgettable, spontaneous but also a planner, a lyricist who doesn't know what to say, far above rubies (sorry if your name is Ruby, not talking about you), inviting, creative, ADD plagued with CFS, kindhearted, lovely, fabulous, real and unknown.

Basically, I'm a living contradiction...does everyone have these two opposing sides to them?


I'm a list maker. I love lists. Even if I don't accomplish everything on them, for some unknown reason, I love to make lists. I make lists about making lists. I rewrite lists, organize them, put them in the sequence of which they should be completed and carry them around. I have security with my lists. It's like "the list" has this power of making things happen...I mean, if it's not on the list, it won't happen! (well, in my case even if it does make the list, there is a high chance it might get transferred to another list because it didn't get accomplished...)

50 cent

it's a metaphor for change.
I think that is indisputably my favorite line from the artist known as 50 cent. Brilliant man, he is.
Most days I love it. In fact, I think I actually crave it. Or maybe it's just the idea of it I crave. I never really can form a firm opinion on this matter. But no matter my opinion, it happens. Sometimes it feels drastic and overnight, other times it is so gradual that I can't even see a difference a month down the road.
I look around me, at others' that are changing, I can see it in them, but hardly notice it in me. I ask the same questions, want the same things and am still looking for the same answers as I was years ago. That being said, however, I can decidedly say that I'm not the same person I was back then.
Sometimes I feel like the earth, struggling to change, freezing overnight, melting during the day, just wanting the 'transition' period to be finished and finally thrust into the new place, the new season, the next step, tomorrow.
Basically, where I am is wanting a new set of problems...ones that even if they're the same maybe just look different...I don't know...maybe I'll just squint my eyes for now...