Humor is one of those awesome things that I'm convinced people need more of in their life. Without humor, life is rendered useless. I'm blessed to have many people in my life who make me laugh, truly laugh...you know, make your face hurt from smiling so much, sides ache, gasping for breath kind of laughter.
The funny thing is, especially for someone such as myself who thoroughly enjoys being understood, if you explain a joke it's ruined. I think it's the best way to be unfunny...just break it down for your audience and all of a sudden, it's no longer funny. I mean it may be ironic, but no longer LOL funny. Love it.
Moral is: laugh. Just laugh. You'll feel better, your friend who told the story/joke will feel fulfilled and your overall health will improve the more often you laugh. Plus, much like learning a language, your aptitude for understanding jokes and the humor in life will increase the more you practice laughing.
So start today and by the end of the week, you'll be laughing your ass off.

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