
i hate how the creative engine can so quickly turn into your worst enemy when things don't go as hoped for...
the thoughts haunt, plague and yes, even perpetuate the sheer terror of your worst nightmares when all it would take is a voice, one simple voice that would silence the taunting...
is that too hard to ask?


Anonymous said...

I would answer but I have no idea what you're talking about. You're very veiled in what you say... is this a Jedi mind trick?

Anonymous said...

Very perplexing :)Is this a parable? :)

hannah said...

ha...here's the breakdown for you :] the creative engine: the mind. how it turns into your worst enemy: when you hope/think something will happen, but it doesn't.
the following words (like sheer terror) were a bit dramatic, but conveyed how i've felt before.
the voice: of the person you wanted to hear from, but didn't...
the taunting: underlying insecurities that come out of the woodwork to feed the lies you've been told before about yourself and how the current situation plays into it and makes those lies seem true...when all it would take would be hearing from that person to silence the doubts...
capiche? :]

hannah said...

not my current state...just left that as a comment on a friends blog and thought it worthy of posting since it summed of pretty succinctly what i've felt before...

Anonymous said...

capiche... :)