i just don't know. . .

is it the romantic in me or the idealist that enables me to fall in love with ideas? i've been all over the board. . .in love with people, cities, friends, occupations. . .and then all of a sudden it's over with. not necessarily because of any trauma or obstacle, it's just gone. sometimes i have to wonder if it's better to be oblivious than it is to be over-aware.
i dream big and my heart and mind race to see it through- that's generally when reality comes in with a big swipe of the hand and knocks me off my feet and onto my keester. the reality of it is, he's not acting if he were interested- which in my case and for my senses, i need to say that he's not interested. that stops my heart/mind before it gets off the ground. it's kinda hard to get swept off your feet if they're off the ground all the time. . .

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