
Why does it take someone leaving for us to realize they're what we want? Why can't we see it when it's right in front of us, plain as day and take it then? Why do we wait til someone's funeral to celebrate them publicly and recount the memories? Why is it that once someone is gone, we can only remember the good times- and even the bad times are seen as positives?
Is it a case of we don't know what we want? The grass is always greener? Are we just unaware of those around us?

What is it in us that creates this blindspot to the beauty and love that is around us? Why do we take it for granted, only to realize once it's gone, how good it actually was? Is it just easier to get stuck on the impossibilities that so often cloud our vision, that they ultimately block out the infinite possibilities that each situation creates?

Where is your blindspot? And what is keeping you from seeing past it?

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